Springs Water

Impurities water is healthy for you

Spring water provides much-needed oxygen to the body and the brain, aids in good digestion, helps us maintain a healthy weight, and tastes great. Spring water never tastes flat or boiled. It makes for an excellent drinking experience and one that does wonders for the body.

Springs Water

One of the best things about drinking spring water is the higher concentration of important nutrients when compared to other kinds of drinking water. When spring water moves through the soil, it collects the so important minerals that your body needs to stay healthy and strong.

Springwater is also free of any impurities in fact. It can balance the pH level of the body as well. The major part of your diet is acidic, coffee, tea, alcohol, fruits, and vegetables. Springwater could help increase alkalinity. It holds appropriate minerals so as to keep your body healthy and fit.

Spring water is better than tap water

While both types of water are perfectly fit to drink, spring water offers several benefits that purified water lacks. This is largely due to the presence of naturally occurring minerals that are removed during the purification process. 

The bottom line is that both purified water and spring water are considered safe to drink (and in fact, well within the confines of “safe” drinking water) according to the EPA. Depending on the quality of your local tap water, both spring and purified waters are likely purer than water from the faucet.

Springwater holds a higher pH than tap water. So it can keep your body balanced. Higher pH also leads to proper hydration. By appropriate hydration, your body is at its best for blood flow and regulating temperature. Now the body can protect its organs better.

Spring water may or may not undergo intensive treatment before its distribution. The real appeal of spring water is that it comes from a “pure” source, where man-made contaminants are low and natural minerals are abundant. 

In fact, while spring waters may have relatively high ppm levels, these “excess” particles are typically natural compounds from unrivalled underground aquifers. Many people believe that these minerals are beneficial for health. Nonetheless, it’s important to note that spring water is not required to meet the ppm standards that apply to purified waters.

Spring water tastes better than tap water

Furthermore, as well as its natural health benefits, the taste of natural spring water is simply unrivalled. The intake of natural minerals and the uncontaminated nature of natural spring water means it has a clean and refreshing taste, unmatched by any other water. This is significant as people will tend to drink more water if it tastes a hell of a lot better!

Many people enjoy collecting and drinking “natural” spring water from springs scattered across north Georgia. The main difference in taste between spring water and water from municipal sources may be the presence of natural minerals, such as calcium, and the lack of chlorination.

Anyone who has had the privilege of consuming from a spring will tell you it is the best tasting, thirst-quenching water they've ever had. Unfortunately, some bottled water companies will use language like this which can be downright false and misleading. 

The healthiest way to consume water is often to drink it in its raw form from natural sources. This will allow you to preserve the structure and mineral content of your spring water, without the trace chemicals and synthetic plastics used by most water bottle companies. 

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